
Queries are free to members and $2.00 each for non-members. Pleast limit queries to 150 words or less. No surnames please. At least one full name, date and location should be included in each query. Mail to RRCTGS, P. O. Box 516 Clarksville, TX 75426

RRCTGS Will Publish Queries in the Red River County Roots genealogy column of weekly newspapers published by Thunder Prairie Publishing Company. These papers include The Detroit Weekly, The Bogata News, The Deport Times, The Blossom News and The Talco Times. Please include your name and address (and/or e-mail address and phone) with your query. The society reserves the right to condense queries that are too long and reject queries that have no tie to Red River County. Send queries to RRCTGS, P.O. Box 516, Clarksville, TX 75426 or to EMail to Johnie Lee
